Erstverkaufstag: 30.09.2025
Smart Industries in the Gig Economy: Scope, Opportunities, and Challenges discusses topics from m...
V monografii rassmatriwaütsq teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnowy formirowaniq konkurentnoj sredy i...
V nastoqschee wremq real'noj ugrozoj nacional'noj bezopasnosti sowremennoj Rossii qwlqütsq nizkij...
Hewn out like a sculptor would a Venus statue from an Italian piece of marble, words are hurled f...
Hewn out like a sculptor would a Venus statue from an Italian piece of marble, words are hurled f...
Taxes are a constant part of life for every company and a constant element of economics, finance,...
The research has a research contribution to science and solves the research problem in cognitive ...
La gestión de los residuos orgánicos es uno de los problemas medioambientales más acuciantes en l...
Die Bewirtschaftung organischer Abfälle ist eines der dringendsten Umweltprobleme in den meisten ...
La gestion des déchets organiques est l'un des problèmes environnementaux les plus urgents dans l...
La gestione dei rifiuti organici è uno dei problemi ambientali più urgenti nella maggior parte de...
A gestão dos resíduos orgânicos é uma das questões ambientais mais prementes na maioria das zonas...