Set on a fictional Caribbean island in the town of Paradise, Cereus Blooms at Night unveils the m...
In Confidence Culture, Shani Orgad and Rosalind Gill argue that imperatives directed at women to ...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.06.2025
Tel Aviv und Berlin - zwei Städte, ein Puls
Erstverkaufstag: 16.01.2025
A landmark study that shows how Black residents experience and respond to the rapid transformatio...
Erstverkaufstag: 16.01.2025
A landmark study that shows how Black residents experience and respond to the rapid transformatio...
Erstverkaufstag: 11.03.2025
Essays that trace connections between the work of Turner Prize-winning artist Tai Shani and the i...
Erstverkaufstag: 08.05.2025
A group of young, Black British friends navigate their way through the ups and downs of modern Lo...
Religion, Identity and Human Security seeks to demonstrate that a major source of human insecurit...
Volume 4 considers the configuration of the broader healthcare eco-system. It examines the tight ...
To be intimate with someone is to be personally interested, emotionally invested, in sync, and ha...
th This volume contains articles presented at the X International Symposium on Purines and Pyrimi...
Part One: Dual-authorship of the Clan of Tubal Cain's Legacy defining 50 years of its organic evo...