Das erste kooperative Pokerspiel.Authentisch gestaltetes Spielmaterial mit thematisch passendem '...
In recent years, many important moral, social, and political issues have come under philosophical...
'The Scimitar and the Veil' portrays more than 30 extraordinary Muslim women, from the birth of I...
Zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts, Deutschland ächzt unter der Besatzung Frankreichs. Die Brüder Wil...
Some of the most exciting interiors around are those that layer vintage and antique finds with se...
We all know that change is hard. It's unsettling, it's time-consuming, and all too often we give ...
Ob Diät oder Jobwechsel - mit »Switch« löst man nicht nur kurzfristig Probleme, sondern bleibt da...
Chip Heath (Author)Chip Heath is a professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaching ...
Guidance on solving problems before they happen, with this as a successful business approach.
A lively, practical, first-of-its-kind guide to understanding cold, clinical data and harnessing ...
What is that makes urban myths so persistent but many everyday truths so eminently forgettable? W...