The older adults differ from younger individuals in their response to periodontal treatment. Howe...
Ältere Erwachsene sprechen anders auf eine Parodontalbehandlung an als jüngere Menschen. Bei älte...
Os adultos mais velhos diferem dos mais jovens na sua resposta ao tratamento periodontal. Contudo...
Gli adulti anziani differiscono dagli individui più giovani nella loro risposta al trattamento pa...
Pozhilye lüdi otlichaütsq ot bolee molodyh swoej reakciej na parodontologicheskoe lechenie. Odnak...
Les adultes âgés diffèrent des individus plus jeunes dans leur réponse au traitement parodontal. ...
Los adultos mayores difieren de los individuos más jóvenes en su respuesta al tratamiento periodo...
Intercropping is a ways to enhance diversity in an agricultural ecosystem. Intercropping as an ex...
Book Structure:Covers the entire syllabus in 4 Major Sections and 20 Chapters2 Practice Sets for ...