The learning is free for all humans, technology is for all. This book is simply explaining the cr...
Path planning based on artificial potential field method, particle swarm optimization algorithm a...
The book discusses the influence of negative and destructive thoughts and self-remorse on the per...
Language in general and proverbs in particular are considered to be the most revealing archive of...
La lengua en general y los proverbios en particular se consideran el archivo más revelador de la ...
A linguagem em geral e os provérbios em particular são considerados como o arquivo mais revelador...
Sprache im Allgemeinen und Sprichwörter im Besonderen gelten als das aufschlussreichste Archiv de...
Il linguaggio in generale e i proverbi in particolare sono considerati l'archivio più rivelatore ...
La langue en général et les proverbes en particulier sont considérés comme les archives les plus ...
Yazyk w celom i poslowicy w chastnosti schitaütsq naibolee pokazatel'nym arhiwom social'noj zhizn...