After breaking ancient curses and becoming the leader of two realms, Isla Crown faces the afterma...
Die Erfolgsfantasy von Alex Aster geht weiter!
A gripping, propulsive YA fantasy novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author and social medi...
Ein Geheimnis bedroht ihr Reich und jeden, den sie liebt
A gripping, propulsive YA fantasy novel from award-winning author and social media superstar Alex...
Wenn dein Wunsch zum tödlichen Fluch wird
Eigentlich kennt der zwölfjährige Tor von Beginn an sein Schicksal. Ein Emblem auf seinem Arm zei...
Isla Crown has made a heartbreaking choice between the two rulers she loves, and now must grapple...
Includes an excerpt from Curse of the forgotten city.
Isla Crown has secured the love of two powerful rulers and broken the curses that plagued the six...
This stunning collector's edition of the #1 national bestseller—and first book in the beloved Lig...
'Welcome to the Centennial. Every 100 years, the island of Lightlark appears to host the Centenni...