Dear friends This book dedicate to my parents. over the last few years we run in genomic era (mod...
Software security is focused to engineer software in such a way that the resulting application ca...
India is an emerging economy that has been growing very fast. This book tries to identify the sec...
The concept of quantum computing is based on two fundamental principles of quantum mechanics: sup...
'This book is for security experts as well as for IoT developers to help them understand the conc...
L'India è un'economia emergente che sta crescendo molto rapidamente. Questo libro cerca di identi...
Indien ist eine aufstrebende Wirtschaft, die sehr schnell gewachsen ist. In diesem Buch wird vers...
India es una economía emergente que ha crecido muy rápidamente. Este libro trata de identificar l...
Indiq - razwiwaüschaqsq äkonomika, kotoraq rastet ochen' bystrymi tempami. V ätoj knige predprinq...
L'Inde est une économie émergente qui connaît une croissance très rapide. Ce livre tente d'identi...