Uncovering and analyzing data associated with the current business environment is essential in ma...
E-learning plays a significant role in education, and its importance increases day by day. Learni...
O sistema imune é responsável em manter a homeostase, garantindo a tolerância ao próprio e a imun...
O Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) é uma das maiores palmeiras amazônicas, sendo encontrada em toda ...
E-assessments of students profoundly influence their motivation and play a key role in the educat...
This book discusses the main mechanical features of masonry buildings and the peculiarities that ...
A violência sofrida por mulheres nas relações íntimas continua sendo tema de grande relevância pa...
The knowledge of moisture migration inside building materials and construction building component...
This work presents an extensive experimental characterisation of two different ceramic brick bloc...
A espera da chegada de um filho desperta para família, e sobretudo para a mãe, diversos sentiment...
'This book provides insights concerning the integration of data mining in business intelligence a...
As technology continues to advance, it is critical for businesses to implement systems that can s...