Ben du Toit is an ordinary, decent, harmless man, unremarkable in every way - until his sense of ...
With years of abuse behind her and a bleak future ahead, a young German woman dreams of her count...
When expatriate Afrikaner Kristien Müller hears of her grandmother's impending death, she ends he...
When Flip Lochner, a seedy, tired journalist fleeing a failed marriage, sees a beautiful woman wi...
Dit verg die jong slavin Philida groot moed om by die Slawebeskermer op Stellenbosch 'n klag teen...
Gebaseer op die historiese figuur Kupido Kakkerlak (c. 1760 - c. 1825) se lewe. Kupido is nie geb...
'The answer to all of your spiritual and philosophical questions is directly within and before yo...
Hierdie roman oor die dood van 'n swart man in aanhouding is in 1979, kort na publikasie, vir 'n ...
As startling and powerful as when first published more than two decades ago, André Brink's classi...