In the last few decades, the landmarks in the field of functional analysis are mainly the new ima...
The internationalization of financial markets has gained drive during the last two decades and al...
This book is a monograph discussing the relative equilibrium points of restricted three body prob...
Die Landwirtschaft bildet das Rückgrat der indischen Wirtschaft, beschäftigt einen großen Teil de...
A agricultura constitui a espinha dorsal da economia indiana, empregando uma parte significativa ...
L'agricoltura costituisce la spina dorsale dell'economia indiana, occupando una parte significati...
La agricultura constituye la espina dorsal de la economía india, da empleo a una parte importante...
Agriculture forms the backbone of the Indian economy, employing a significant portion of the popu...
L'agriculture constitue l'épine dorsale de l'économie indienne, employant une part importante de ...