This groundbreaking collection offers a complicated portrait of girls in the 21st Century.These...
Unlike as with previous generations, diversity and multiculturalism are engrained in the lives of...
Anita Harris creates a realistic portrait of the 'new girl' that has appeared in the twenty-first...
This groundbreaking collection offers a complicated portrait of girls in the 21st Century.These...
Anita Harris creates a realistic portrait of the 'new girl' that has appeared in the twenty-first...
Unlike as with previous generations, diversity and multiculturalism are engrained in the lives of...
In Broken Patterns, Anita Harris reveals how a powerful mother-daughter dynamic has shaped the ex...
Whereas once young women's feminist activism could be easily identified, today this resistance se...
Whereas once young women's feminist activism could be easily identified, today this resistance se...
This book takes a global perspective to address the concept of belonging in youth studies, interr...
This book takes a global perspective to address the concept of belonging in youth studies, interr...