This Introduction provides an original, synthetic overview of the relations between literature an...
The philosophical concept of 'possible worlds' used to explain theoretical problems of fictionali...
Challenges conventional approaches to the avant-garde through a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary t...
A reading of the philosophy of Jacques Derrida and an investigation of theories of autobiography.
This is the first thorough study of Calderon in comparison with other important dramatists of the...
The contribution of rhetoric, sophistry, and pragmatism to postmodernist cultural politics.
In Chronoschisms Ursula Heise explores the way developments in communication and information tech...
The philosophical concept of 'possible worlds' used to explain theoretical problems of fictionali...
Theodor Adorno's Aesthetic Theory (1970) offers one of the most powerful and comprehensive critiq...
This is the first thorough study of Calder n in comparison with other important dramatists of the...
The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes, first published in 2002, offers a comprehensive treatment o...
A critique of cultural studies that invokes Bakhtin, Benjamin, and de Man.