Faced with all the changes that are taking place every day, it is a challenge to keep up to date ...
This book mainly comprises studies of convoluted array elements derived from dipoles, cross dipol...
Genetic engineering is an area still under severe controversy particularly in Brazil where early ...
Cuando los cabecillas paramilitares colombianos deciden desmovilizarse, en diciembre de 2002, dan...
Most of the research efforts dealing with airline scheduling have been done on off-line plan opti...
Most of the research efforts dealing with airline scheduling have been done on off-line plan opti...
Este singelo manuscrito é fruto de uma reunião de artigos desenvolvidos ao longo da disciplina de...
A implantação do biodiesel na matriz energética brasileira busca incorporar a agricultura familia...
La Especialización en Consultoría en Familia y Redes Sociales obedece al compromiso de la Univers...
Este libro presenta una visión general del estándar IEEE 802.22 WRAN o comúnmente llamado Súper W...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11 workshops co-located with the 16th Inter...
The Rac1 GTPase plays key roles in cytoskeletal organization, cell motility and a variety of phys...