Character Development focuses on the creation of fully-realized, multidimensional protagonists an...
Let Them Write: Plot Building focuses on conflict, suspense and narrative structure.Students pr...
The 'Literacy: Made for All' series is a classroom-ready, teacher-friendly resource for English a...
WORDSMITHING focuses on the creation, production and sharing of a variety of nonfiction writing p...
Setting and Description focuses on the effective use of descriptive writing techniques to depict ...
ENJOYING LITERATURE focuses on the close reading and analysis of prose fiction, poetry, and short...
'I know where the Angel of Death plague originated, and so does every other 'patient' who left Th...
Earth Intelligence and Space Installation Security each think Drew Townsend is working for them.T...
Earth's ancient past is coming home to roost, and it's making Barry Novak, the Chief of Operation...
The most dangerous race in the galaxy is the race against time.And the second most dangerous race...
Four years after the Corvou war, the battle for Humanity's future goes on.Drew Townsend and his s...
Body swapping, legendary pranks, and haunted washing machines: divine interference starts a stran...