With success rates ranging from 95% to over 98%, zygoma implants are the standard of care in the ...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 26th International Conference on the Founda...
This book has been written to cover the some important research related problems in reliability e...
A wide range of herbal based dentifrices and oral rinses are available in the market and recently...
Research in orthodontics has followed the positivist model of direct relationship of cause and ef...
Die Forschung in der Kieferorthopädie folgte dem positivistischen Modell der direkten Beziehung v...
La ricerca in ortodonzia ha seguito il modello positivista del rapporto diretto di causa-effetto ...
La recherche en orthodontie a suivi le modèle positiviste de relation directe de cause à effet en...
Issledowaniq w oblasti ortodontii priderzhiwalis' pozitiwistskoj modeli prqmoj prichinno-sledstwe...
La investigación en ortodoncia ha seguido el modelo positivista de relación directa de causa-efec...
A investigação em Ortodontia tem seguido o modelo positivista de relação directa de causa e efeit...
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) can be described as repetitive collapse and reopening of the upper...