Erstverkaufstag: 06.05.2025
The conference was aimed to bring researchers, practicing engineers, faculty members and students...
Erstverkaufstag: 06.05.2025
The conference was aimed to bring researchers, practicing engineers, faculty members and students...
Post-reform India has seen a decline in agricultural growth as well as supply-demand imbalance an...
The SHG-Bank Linkage Programme (SHG-BLP) in India was conceived to fill the gap existing in the f...
Post-reform India has seen a decline in agricultural growth as well as supply demand imbalance an...
Hertz was the pioneer and father of radio, his invention remained a laboratory curiosity until 20...
Success in skeletal surgery mainly depends to two things adequate access and exposure of the area...
Hertz war der Pionier und Vater des Radios, seine Erfindung blieb eine Laborkuriosität, bis der 2...
Hertz è stato il pioniere e il padre della radio, la sua invenzione è rimasta una curiosità di la...
Hertz fue el pionero y padre de la radio, su invento siguió siendo una curiosidad de laboratorio ...
Hertz foi o pioneiro e pai do rádio, sua invenção permaneceu uma curiosidade de laboratório até q...