In U-Bahnhöfen brechen mysteriöse Gang-Kriege aus. Eine junge Frau aus dem Nordosten wird vergewa...
This research work emphasizes the optimization of various machining parameters like Material Remo...
Doctoral Thesis Dissertation from the year 2013 in the subject Pedagogy - School System, Educat...
In this work, spectrum sensing based on energy detection spectrum sensing in cognitive radio is d...
The Book makes certain unique contributions to the literature on Corporate Governance. These cont...
An attempt has been made to simplify the otherwise intricate discipline of Auditing. The book has...
The process of adding vitamins or minerals to the crops in order to improve their overall nutrien...
Une tentative a été faite pour simplifier la discipline autrement complexe de l'audit. Le livre a...
Uma tentativa foi feita para simplificar a intricada disciplina da Auditoria. O livro levou em co...
Es wurde der Versuch unternommen, die ansonsten komplizierte Disziplin der Wirtschaftsprüfung zu ...