Europa 1914. Als der Krieg ausbricht, melden sich die beiden 17jährigen Michael und Thomas gegen ...
Erstverkaufstag: 14.05.2025
With contributions by over 70 leading scholars from across the social sciences, humanities and na...
Popular author Ben Campbell Johnson views Christian life as a journey toward God and himself as o...
Over the Past few decades mainline Protestant congregations have not easily embraced the notion o...
Here are fresh, enlightening, practical, and logical strategies for 'doing' evangelism in the loc...
This book seeks to help individuals live constantly in God's presence.Writing in the tradition of...
As Christians we believe that God speaks - that God has spoken to people down through the centuri...
The greatest problem facing mainline churches today is not declining numbers, shifting social all...
Many mainline churches today have members (both laity and clergy) who find it a problem to speak ...
Avoiding theological jargon and using language more accessible to the lay person than that in the...
You are forewarned, sexuality and profanity are explicitly portrayed in KISSINg FREUd.KISSINg FRE...
If you want to know in many ways what coal mining felt like years ago, you will read Ben Campbe...