Großer Schock für Nick Knight, den Vampircop: Schanke und Cohen werden auf einer Flugreise nach A...
Der 12-jährige Waisenjunge Hugo Cabret (Asa Butterfield) lebt alleine in den Gemäuern eines gigan...
Außergewöhnliche Eiscreme in zahllosen Geschmacksrichtungen mit riesigen Stückchen - mit diesem E...
Erez will das Ticket für Olympia! Aber dafür muss sich der ehrgeizige Nachwuchsstar erst noch bei...
In Europe and around the world, social policies and welfare services have faced increasing pressu...
VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies was originally written as a teaching tool for a VHDL trainin...
VHDL Answers to Frequently asked Questions is a follow-up to the author's book VHDL Coding Styles...
Hundreds of diabolical problems in classical and quantum mechanics, electricity & magnetism, spec...
This reader provides an overview of the work of Norman Geras - philosopher, cricket enthusiast an...
Published in paperback for the 20th anniversary of Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc.--the business phi...
VHDL Answers to Frequently asked Questions is a follow-up to the author's book VHDL Coding Styles...
VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies, Edition is a follow up book to the first edition of same bo...