Mit Gott die Welt bewegen, ohne die Freude zu verlieren.Beni Johnson nimmt uns mit auf ihre Reise...
Seit Jahrhunderten praktiziert die Kirche das Abendmahl, das Jesus selbst eingesetzt hat, als Tei...
Selecting 40 invigorating excerpts from their exciting and popular books, Pastor Bill Johnson and...
*Designed to be used with the Healthy and Free DVD StudyBegin Your Journey to Spirit-Soul-Body He...
Experience breakthrough, intimacy with the Father, and supernatural joy when you pray!When you th...
The Happy Intercessor is...a Holy Spirit journey into the very heart of the Father.---Kris Vallot...
''Arise, my love, my beautiful one come away.'' Song of Solomon 2:10 (ESV) The insightful wisdom,...
There is miraculous power in the sacrament of communion.More than a religious ritual, communio...
Powerful prayers begin with whispers from Heaven. Many believers struggle with prayer, hoping tha...
Peace is the inheritance of every believer, but we often face challenging circumstances that thre...