Computational Intelligence (CI) has emerged as a novel and highly diversified paradigm supporting...
Das Buch enthält die am 1. und 2. Oktober 1990 in Dortmund auf der ersten gemeinsamen GME GI ITG-...
Die Fuzzy-Technologie spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Entwicklung intelli genter Produkte und...
Hauptreferat gehalten hat. Den Mitgliedem des Organisationsausschusses sei flir die Ubemahme der ...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Computational I...
Fuzzy Days in Dortmund were held for the first time in 1991. Initially, the con ference was inte...
Computational Intelligence (CI) has emerged as a novel and highly diversified paradigm supporting...
Computational Intelligence with its roots in Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algori...
ersten, die eine so1che Fachtagung durchfUhren.
For the 8th time since 1991 we invite researchers to participate in the Do- mund Fuzzy-Days. I am...