The Friction Stir Welding (FSW)is a latest process of Advanced Welding Technology and was inven...
Development and Analysis of Air Engine is analternative to fossil fuel driven engine for light ...
In spite of the energy crisis, population and environment degradation issues, the use of automobi...
Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue facing world leaders. It is becoming...
Global Warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue being faced by world leaders. Thus, ...
The Earth is the only planet in our solar system that supports life. The complex process of evolu...
The vibration ofHeatExchange Tubes due to hydrodynamic fluid coupling is an international pro...
Yoga is a five thousands year old style of Indian wisdom and is the science of living. Maharishi ...
Yoga is a five thousand year old style of Indian wisdom and is the science of living. Maharishi P...
Le yoga est un style de sagesse indienne vieux de cinq mille ans et est la science de la vie. Le ...
Lo Yoga è uno stile di saggezza indiana vecchio di cinquemila anni ed è la scienza del vivere. Ma...
The vibration of Heat Exchange Tubes due to hydrodynamic fluid coupling is an international probl...