Neue Abenteuer mit zahlreichen Spider-Man-Inkarnationen aus den weiten des Multiversum.
Alex will ernst machen und um die Hand seiner bezaubernden Freundin Katherine anhalten. Doch mit ...
Das wäre Gregs Bibel! Aufgemacht wie ein Comic, mit witzigen Schwarz-Weiß-Illustrationen und eine...
What makes for a successful business? From poverty to success, 21 business professionals from Sta...
The book written in free style includes poems and short stories and reflects the author's experie...
Wicked problems are complex, ill-structured, human problem situations. This book will help you de...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on High-Perfor...
re-la'tion-ship'[ri-ley-shuh n-ship]noun1. a connection,...
The book places the struggles for the emancipation of disabled people within the context of Bob's...
Although The Eastside of Town is fiction, many experiences in the book are based on actual events...