Die Decepticons sind 1994 gerade erst auf der Erde angekommen, ebenso wie Optimus Prime, der scho...
-Dragonheart (USA 1996, ca. 99 min., FSK 12):Vor langer Zeit, als sich noch majestätische, feu...
DAS VOLLE PROGRAMMDem Tode geweiht, wählte Wade Wilson einen Weg, der ihm die Fähigkeit verlieh, ...
MAGIE GEGEN SUPERMAN!Es ist das dritte Jahr von Supermans Gewaltherrschaft über die Erde. Seit ih...
Twelve Brain Principles That Make the Difference, by Brian Pete and Robin Fogarty, is about how t...
The Adult Learner: Some Things We Know addresses the 'warrior' who rises to the challenge of teac...
Based on their vast experience with professional development, the authors present innovative 'mor...
How to Differentiate Learning provides guidance for schools and districts to start or improve the...
Make your staff development stick with tips from top pros!This timely guide offers staff develope...
In this updated resource, Fogarty and Pete offer ten models that allow teams of teachers to work ...
Make your staff development stick with tips from top pros!
'Nothing short of mind-blowing . . . Just amazing stuff'-Newsday 'A fast-paced, fascinating tale ...