The story of the conflict between Albert Einstein and chief Nazi physicist Philipp Lenard, who sp...
In 'blazing, high-speed prose' (Salman Rushdie), Wagner presides over a tangled collection of sta...
Der Nummer-1-Bestseller jetzt im Taschenbuch
Erstverkaufstag: 04.02.2025
In I Met Someone—what Wagner has called a “tenderly mutilated companion piece” to his screenplay ...
Erstverkaufstag: 04.02.2025
A new novel by Hollywood’s 'master of satire.' The myth of an epic, public life—its triumphs and ...
Erstverkaufstag: 04.02.2025
The Empty Chair, a collection of two poignant novellas by acclaimed author Bruce Wagner, explores...
At once the most light-hearted and most disturbing of Mozart and Da Ponte's Italian comic operas,...
On occasion, the innate immune system is referred to as the 'primitive' immune system. Perhaps th...
One of the greatest internal migrations in American history has been the movement of the people o...