A compact presentation of the foundations, current state of theart, recent developments and res...
A compact presentation of the foundations, current state of theart, recent developments and res...
Computational Mechanics in solids, structures and coupled problems in engineering is today a matu...
This book contains the edited version of lectures and contributed papers presented at the NA TO A...
This book contains the edited version of lectures and selected papers presented at the NATO ADVAN...
This book contains the edited version of lectures and contributed papers presented at the NA TO A...
This work was compiled with expanded and reviewed contributions from the 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Con...
III European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problem in Eng...
This book collects invited lectures presented and discussed on the AMAS & ECCOMAS Workshop Themat...
This book collects invited lectures presented and discussed on the AMAS & ECCOMAS Workshop Themat...
III European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures and Coupled Problem in Eng...
The papers in this volume focus on the following topics: design optimization and inverse problems...