A groundbreaking exploration of the science of longevity from Nobel Prize-winning molecular biolo...
A. U. Ramakrishnan ist einer der weltweit bekanntesten Krebsspezialisten. Im Laufe der letzten 30...
'A groundbreaking exploration of the science of why and how we age and die-from Nobel Prize-winni...
Erstverkaufstag: 05.12.2024
This book details the mechanics of textile machines and covers the fundamental concepts and advan...
Erstverkaufstag: 18.02.2025
'Utterly fascinating.' --Bill Bryson
Erstverkaufstag: 16.12.2024
This book offers a comprehensive understanding of O.V. Vijayan's work by analysing his fictional ...
Erstverkaufstag: 06.03.2025
A groundbreaking exploration of the science of longevity from Nobel Prize-winning molecular biolo...
The third volume of the series entitled 'Symposia on Theoretical Physics' comprises the lectures ...
This volume represents the proceedings of the Sixth Anniversary MATSCIENCE Symposium on Theoretic...
Werden wir bald für immer leben?Wir erleben eine Revolution in der Bio...