Improbable Heroes is the true story of how Jews were saved by extraordinary acts of bravery by or...
This is the true story of Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania who risked his life a...
Live the exciting Holocaust story of heroes, Jewish and Gentile, who risked everything sneaking i...
Armed only with a Swedish diplomatic passport, Raoul Wallenberg arrived in Budapest to stop the N...
No government allied with, or occupied, by Germany, could withstand Hitler's demands to give up t...
Dr. Bernie Feld, a well-known and successful psychiatrist in New York City, embarked on a journey...
The author went through the many phases of his life with a glint in his eye, a sense of humor, an...
Heroes or Villains? is the true story of the Holocaust in France that started when France surrend...
Heroes or Villains? is the true story of the Holocaust in France that started when France surrend...
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a brilliant admiral in the Japanese Navy was ordered to devise a devast...
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a brilliant admiral in the Japanese Navy was ordered to devise a devast...
In May 1942, submarines begin inflicting heavy damage on Japanese shipping. The marines and Army ...