A unique collection of feminist poems from the former Poet Laureate, filled with her characterist...
In this enchantingly illustrated Christmas poem, Carol Ann Duffy invites readers to open the wind...
'A joyous, exuberant book of poems about women usually excluded from myth and history' Guardian'D...
Erstverkaufstag: 14.01.2025
One hundred poems which illustrate the beauty and awe of the natural world, collated by former Po...
Winner of the T. S. Eliot Prize, 'essential reading for the broken-hearted of all ages' (The Guar...
With readable, richly varied contributions from women poets both famous and unknown, both young a...
A winner of the Costa Book Award, 'beautiful and moving poetry for the real world' (The Guardian)...
In Off the Shelf: A Celebration of Bookshops in Verse, the Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy commissi...