LUZIFERS RACHENeil Gaimans SANDMAN zählt zu den bedeutendsten Comic-Werken aller Zeiten. Im Mitte...
Wie lenken sich Rebellen ab, wenn sie in den gruseligsten Ort der Galaxis eindringen müssen? Mit ...
'First published 1837-9. This abridgement published in Puffin Books 1994. Reissued in this editio...
Indien zur Zeit der britischen Kolonialherrschaft: Eine britische Kavallerie-Einheit unter Komman...
Jones's Macroeconomics helps students understand our interconnected world.The COVID-19 pandemic a...
Duke (Morgan Freeman), renommierter Strafverteidiger im Ruhestand, verbringt seinen Lebensabend a...
Erstverkaufstag: 20.05.2025
'How Confucius Changed My Mind invites readers on a path of transformation, narrating how encount...
Erstverkaufstag: 08.04.2025
Explains the essentials of investing and develops the analytical skills necessary for evaluating ...
This indispensable reference is a comprehensive guide to significant issues, policies, historical...
This is the first major study of public health in British India. It covers many previously unrese...
A study of Newsholme's role in the transformation of the British public health system.
This is a collection of original studies on the new international health and welfare organisation...