Here at last is a long-hinted-at chapter in the undead existence of the immortal Count Saint-Germ...
In the unsettled time when Imperial Rome totters on the brink of collapse, the vampire Ragoczy Ge...
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's vampire hero returns to Transylvania in Dark of the Sun, a novel in the Co...
More than a third of Saint-Germain's long, long life was spent in the shadow of the Pyramids, in ...
Franzicco Ragoczy di Santo-Germano is a successful merchant in Venice. His lavish lifestyle and r...
The Fall 2006 issue of H.P. Lovecraft's Magazine of Horror spotlights Brian Lumley, with an inter...
The Comte de Saint-Germain is living in relative peace and prosperity in the village of Orgon in ...
Ambitious in its scope and provocative in its content, the saga of Count Saint-Germain is a monum...
More than two decades strong, the Saint-Germain cycle is one of the most compelling works of dark...
In Night Pilgrims, Saint-Germain is living in a monastery in Egypt when he is hired to guide a gr...
Beginning in the 600s, Spain's old blood rituals of animal sacrifice were replaced by the new god...
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's immortal vampire, the Comte de Saint-Germain, is one of the most popular c...