The 7th Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2008) was held on December 13, 2008, in Paris. As a pre-ICIS ...
Das Verständnis des einstigen Modewortes 'E-Commerce' hat sich verschoben. Nicht länger stehen va...
Driven by maturing Web service technologies and the wide acceptance of the service-oriented archi...
The international conference 'Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN) 2006' aims at bringing togethe...
The research program Information Management and Market Engineering focuses on the analysis and th...
konnen, urn die Entwicklung domiinenspezijischer Shells zu initiieren bzw.
Driven by maturing Web service technologies and the wide acceptance of the service-oriented archi...
Das Verständnis des einstigen Modewortes 'E-Commerce' hat sich verschoben. Nicht länger stehen va...
Accurate predictions are essential in many areas such as corporate decision making, weather forec...
Der Autor analysiert die aktuelle Rolle, der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IuK) im...
This textbook addresses the conceptual and practical aspects of the various phases of the lifecyc...
Why do we need a handbook on Information Technology (IT) and Finance? At first, because both IT a...