After decades of neglect, researchers have begun to focus attention on the development and outcom...
The story of Leeds and its architecture in the 120 years before the First World War was one of re...
It is 20 years since the Hengest and his followers were driven out of Britannia by Aurelius Ambro...
Aurelius Ambrosius is the rightful king of Britannia. He has built up an army like the Roman legi...
This book explores ideas, attitudes, and behaviors that keep us trapped and in bondage to ourselv...
Vortigern commits a terrible crime to become High King of Britannia - a crime which is he led to ...
Here is the complete English Dawn pentalogy under one cover. It tells the story of the conquest a...
Aurelius' legion is ready to make the attempt to reconquer Britannia, but powerful forces are ran...
A tomboyish girl, fond of stories of shieldmaidens and waelcyries, gets involved a viking raid le...
An Aeneid for England! English Morn tells the story of two brothers, Hengest and Horsa, exiled fr...