With little expectation of happiness, Elisabeth is stunned to find herself falling passionately i...
A new novel from the author of 'The Great Stink', which explores the devastating effect of WWI an...
Clare Clark's critically acclaimed The Great Stink ?reeks of talent? (The Washington Post Book Wo...
'Beautiful Lies is set in Victorian Britain; at its center is Maribel Campbell Lowe, the wife of ...
Praised by Hilary Mantel, Amanda Foreman, and the New York Times Book Review for her ?verve and i...
Beyond its role as a protective covering against coronavirus infection, the face mask is the bear...
1666: The Great Fire of London sweeps through the streets and a heavily pregnant woman flees the ...
Based on a true story, this gorgeous novel follows the fortunes of three Berliners caught up in a...
The simple fabric face mask is a key agent in the fight against the global spread of COVID-19. Ho...
A sea-change is coming for commercial leasing. As the climate emergency gathers pace, the pressur...