In this fast-paced, action-driven adventure Peter Savage confronts a hidden genocide, genetic man...
In this edge-of-your-seat thriller, USA Today Best Selling Author Dave Edlund brings readers face...
When an unthinkable act of treason and a clandestine pact threaten to redraw the map of the Middl...
From the award-winning Peter Savage series comes a tale of political intrigue, biological warfare...
Summoned to Brunei, Peter unearths dangerous secrets that threaten the security of the US Navy.In...
Capitalizing on a peaceful protest for Native American rights, a small, extremist militia swiftly...
'Edlund is right at home with his bestselling brethren, Brad Thor and Brad Taylor.' -Jon Land, US...
'Dave Edlund is one of the very best all-out, full-bore action thriller writers out there today, ...