These expository accounts treat issues related to volume, geodesics, curvature and mathematical b...
These expository accounts treat issues related to volume, geodesics, curvature and mathematical b...
This two-volume set, LNAI 9077 + 9078, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 19th Pacific-A...
This two-volume set, LNAI 9077 + 9078, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 19th Pacific-A...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings at PAKDD Workshops 2015, held in conjunction with ...
Application of biochar to sandy loam soil to reduce leaching of organic pollutants e.g. hydrocarb...
This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 13th International Conferen...
Se investigó la aplicación de biocarbón a suelos franco-arenosos para reducir la lixiviación de c...
L'étude a porté sur l'utilisation de biochar sur des sols argileux sablonneux pour réduire la lix...
È stata studiata l'applicazione di biochar a terreni argillosi sabbiosi per ridurre la lisciviazi...
Foi investigada a aplicação de biochar em solos de argila arenosa para reduzir a lixiviação de po...