Attract kids to church, the logic often goes, and you get parents in the pews. All that's left is...
DAVID B. BECKWITH was born in CumbriaU.K. His family emigrated to Perth, WesternAustralia in 1969...
James Innes Watson, the great-great-grandson of Dr. John H. Watson, has inherited all the manuscr...
'I've become a big fan of this amiable mystery series that's mindful of Jonathan and Jennifer Har...
Madelyn Koury-O'Dare is an undereducated, directionless single mother who is frustrated by her bl...
'Nick and Nora Charles of The Thin Man series and Jonathan and Jennifer Hart of Hart To Hart have...
James Innes Watson continues to make available stories from the manuscripts that he inherited fro...
The great-great-grandson ofDr. John H. Watson, James Innes Watson, continues to make available ...
¿'We love the adventures of husband-and-wife sleuths Will and Betsy Black. One of my favorite boo...
'Will and Betsy Black have become two of my favorite sleuths, a married couple who solve mysterie...
'Creative characters guide the reader through what in many ways is a sailing