David Parkin shows how indigenous African rites and beliefs may be reworked to accommodate a vari...
Taking a unique anthropological apprach, Bush Base: Forest Farm explores the management of resour...
This study analyses the way in which tribal ties are maintained in the development of a tribally ...
Local and cooperative Jahn-Teller interactions in model structures.- The frameworks (Bauverb¿e) o...
The role of divalent cations in the mechanism of enzyme catalyzed phosphoryl and nucleotidyl tran...
Structural aspects and biochemical function of erythrocuprein.- Ferritin.- Metal-polypeptide inte...
In this innovative study, David Parkin shows how indigenous African rites and beliefs may be rewo...
Recognising the fundamental role both of shipping communities and the technologies crafted and sh...
With contributions by numerous experts
The conditions for total symmetry stabilizing molecules, atoms, nuclei and hadrons.- Gas phase ph...