Im Anschluss an den dramatischen Konflikt zwischen den Mitgliedern der Avengers kehrt TChalla ali...
Revolution und Krieg in Europa, Sklaverei und Ausbeutungin den europäischen Kolonien, Unterdrücku...
Providing counseling professionals with a solid grounding in the primary theories, skills, and mo...
Communications and Multimedia Security is an essential reference for both academic and profession...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th IFIP TC 6 TC 11 International Conferen...
Shunryu Suzuki is known to countless readers as the author of the modern spiritual classic Zen Mi...
This book contains the proceedings of the 2nd EuroPKI Workshop ¿ EuroPKI 2005, held at the Univer...
Career Counseling: An Anthology of Relevant Career Counseling Research shows students the unique ...
Career Counseling: An Anthology of Relevant Career Counseling Research shows students the unique ...
Uncreative writing using the word The with a hidden message. A novelty book filled with one word ...
American Zen failure Chadwick this time is in a Western Australian caper. He went there, he write...