Spanning the entire twentieth century and encompassing immigration policies, the nationalistic fa...
The first unabridged edition of Charles Darwin's biography of his grandfather Erasmus Darwin.
Originally published in 2003, this is the first unabridged edition of The Life of Erasmus Darwin,...
First published in 2006, this book is a unique collection of the letters of Erasmus Darwin, revea...
Challenges to Local Government offers a timely discussion of how local governments have implement...
First published in 2006, this book is a unique collection of the letters of Erasmus Darwin, revea...
This book is the first comprehensive analysis of eugenics in North America focused on the second ...
In this book, eminent political scientists Desmond King and Larry Jacobs have gathered some of th...
This book investigates examples of social policy in Britain and the United States that conflict w...
The story of how small changes in satellite orbits have led to great changes in our views of the ...