Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. and N. rustica L.) is an important crop for the economy of India. G...
The cutting is successful and rapid method and by using of cutting we get early and dwarf stature...
The present study includes the design and development of Novel sustained release solid dosage for...
In the present research work an attempt has been made to optimize, formulate and evaluate pH sens...
The present study includes the Formulation and Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Buccal Patch of Timolol...
O presente estudo inclui a concepção e desenvolvimento de Novel forma de dosagem sólida de libert...
La présente étude comprend la conception et le développement d'une nouvelle forme de dosage solid...
Nastoqschee issledowanie wklüchaet razrabotku i sozdanie nowoj twerdoj lekarstwennoj formy protiw...
El presente estudio incluye el diseño y el desarrollo de una nueva forma de dosificación sólida d...
Il presente studio comprende la progettazione e lo sviluppo di una nuova forma di dosaggio solido...
Die vorliegende Studie umfasst den Entwurf und die Entwicklung einer neuartigen festen Darreichun...