New York, 1989. Bestsellerautor Jake Davis (Russell Crowe) ist nach dem Unfalltod seiner Frau all...
In this uncompromising volume, Diana E Russell examines the relationships between pornography, mi...
Anyone who has attempted to practice mindfulness knows it is not easy. The mind can't seem to mak...
In a complex and interconnected world, work and organisations are rapidly changing. This book add...
In a complex and interconnected world, work and organisations are rapidly changing. This book add...
A Thank-You Celebration was written out of the deepest love for my grandchildren and many thanks ...
Glowing with Confidence is a feel-good story about a little girl named Asha. She overcomes her se...
Glowing with Confidence is a feel-good story about a little girl named Asha. She overcomes her se...