In American Gypsy, a collection of six plays, Diane Glancy uses a mélange of voices to invoke the...
The story of a 17th century Mohawk woman's interaction with her land, the Jesuits, and the religi...
A minister's wife finds herself in hell.The story of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16:19-31 gi...
Many towns have their murderers, but are they also members of a church, a Boy Scout leader, or pr...
Incorporating elements of fiction, nonfiction, drama, and poetry, Diane Glancy's stories are lyri...
A professor hears the voices of Biblical women. She begins writing. What was it like for Dorcas t...
Many towns have their murderers, but are they also members of a church, a Boy Scout leader, or pr...
A 1994 trip to Syria and Jordan as an Arts America Speaker for the United States Information Agen...
A 1994 trip to Syria and Jordan as an Arts America Speaker for the United States Information Agen...
Crippled in childhood, Mary Wesley, sister of John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church, speak...
In a novel that ?retains the complexity, immediacy, and indirection of a poem,? Glancy brings to ...
Love in one form or another is the commanding force of this new collection of short fiction. The ...