Lockward explores the feminine mystique in her second full-length collection of sensual and imagi...
'Cognizant of loss but always celebratory, Lockward's poems are irreverent, ravenous for the worl...
Why do dolls compel us so much? What are their meanings? What lessons do they have to teach us? T...
Like the original, The Crafty Poet II is organized into ten sections. We again end with 'Revision...
A poetry tutorial to inform and inspire poets. Includes model poems and prompts, writing tips, an...
Diane Lockward, more than any other poet now writing, exemplifies Garcia Lorca's definition of po...
A kiss is never just a kiss-heat-seeking, information bearing, coded. In this inspired collection...
Editors Jason Lee Brown and Shanie Latham selected fifty-four poems by fifty-one poets, happily i...
In Leaves Surface Like Skin, Michelle Menting articulates gorgeous, strange visions of nature inf...
The gorgeous poems of Michael T. Young's The Infinite Doctrine of Water offer the rewards of deep...
Open this book at random and find a trove of thrilling images and unexpected metaphors: tiny bell...
Organized into ten sections with each devoted to a poetic concept, The Practicing Poet begins wit...