Danger is Detective Jake Jezreel's business. In the first-century AD, Jake's profession as a priv...
For first-century private detective, Jake Jezreel, it was the best of times. He had just wrapped ...
First century private detective Jake Jezreel is drawn into a mysterious case involving a rare bla...
First century private detective Jake Jezreel is drawn into a mysterious case involving a rare bla...
A robbery of 10, 000 denarii from the Temple in Jerusalem has just shocked the whole city. One hi...
A robbery of 10, 000 denarii from the Temple in Jerusalem has just shocked the whole city. One hi...
A bitter squabble over a tradesman's inheritance. A frightened man, on the run, trying to evade u...
A bitter squabble over a tradesman's inheritance. A frightened man, on the run, trying to evade u...
First century Private Detective, Jake Jezreel has been thrown into a confusing investigation. Wea...
First century Private Detective, Jake Jezreel has been thrown into a confusing investigation. Wea...
For the first century private detective, Jake Jezreel, his whole life had been gloriously transfo...
For the first century private detective, Jake Jezreel, his whole life had been gloriously transfo...