This classic reference begins with a brief review of the origins and early history of cooling tow...
In this text, authors William J. Rorabaugh, Donald T. Critchlow, and Paula Baker effectively blen...
Recent years have seen remarkable advances in the devel- ment of techniques that have direct appl...
Korea Confronts Globalization looks at the way in which the phenomenon of globalization has impac...
Korea Confronts Globalization looks at the way in which the phenomenon of globalization has impac...
Remember when flying was glamorous and sexy, even fun? When airline food was gourmet, everyone dr...
Fiber optics is a transmission technique that uses electrical signals to modulate a light source ...
In this text, authors William J. Rorabaugh, Donald T. Critchlow, and Paula Baker effectively blen...
This book has been prepared by the collaborative effort of two somewhat separate technical groups...
Overcoming Book DescriptionThere are three main benefits that you'll receive after reading this a...