A new beginning, transformation, revolution: society underwent major changes in the 1960s, and so...
This story begins with a green fairy being attacked by blue fairies in Jack's backyard. He saves ...
The book is about how God himself gave an old man named Jack the power to wage a war against a ra...
This story begins with a green fairy being attacked by blue fairies in Jack's backyard. He saves ...
The book is about how God himself gave an old man named Jack the power to wage a war against a ra...
This is a book that starts in the back room of a Vegas casino; a few guys were bored so they want...
This is a book that starts in the back room of a Vegas casino; a few guys were bored so they want...
This book is about a guy named Jack that was touched by the hand of God, given powers of the Gree...
This book is about a guy named Jack that was touched by the hand of God, given powers of the Gree...
This is a Fiction book about, some Guys in Vegas that were bored and wanted something new to bet ...