Der komplette Text von »Der Hobbit« mit Hintergründen aus dem Tolkien-Legendarium und reichem Bil...
Endlich erstmals komplett als Gesamtbox in Deutschland auf DVD erhältlich: 'Baywatch' - die preis...
Die Geschichte des Ersten Weltkrieges entdecken und verstehenWarum wurde er 'ein Krieg, der alle ...
The definitive edition of this beloved children's classic, featuring a wealth of accompanying ill...
The contributors to Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Sport argue that American pragmatism is part...
A whole range of major American writers have focused on images of the household, of domestic virt...
Coyner and Anderson believe that to assimilate newcomers into the life and ministry of the congre...
Several recent investigations have focused attention on spaces and manifolds which are non-compac...
In this engaging book, Douglas Anderson begins with the assumption that philosophy--the Greek lov...
The essays in this book have grown out of conversations between the authors and their colleagues ...
Traditional theories hold that regulatory agencies act mainly as champions of the interest they a...