The wings of vengeance unfurl over a world in flames...Kuhal Moer has risen to the heights - an...
Kaito Kayzi is used to weird.As a criminal hacker-savant in a city where technology is tied up w...
The human race tore itself apart during the Age of Judgment.We unleashed enough firepower to va...
This is a story of an Evil lord. But it's not told by the grinning, lantern-jawed heroes or simpe...
And so it's come to this!The apocalypse unfolds in shattered neon and bloody steel, and all tha...
Ezra Ashdown is a very confused, very lucky frontier gambler and gun for hire. Though he's worrie...
1940. The world is at war. . . But beyond the front lines, a secret conflict rages which is as in...
Join the Rotten Company. Meet exciting, exotic people, then punch them in the face!All his life...