Ed McBain made his debut in 1956. In 2004, more than a hundred books later, he personally collect...
In its brief existence, THE BEST AMERICAN MYSTERY STORIES has established itself as a peerless su...
Ed McBain's last installment in the 87th Precinct series finds the detectives stumped by a serial...
From the internationally admired creator of the 87th Precinct series come these tales featuring p...
The kidnapping was audacious, and there were plenty of witnesses... But no one attending the dazz...
All at once, Fat Ollie Weeks had a truly brilliant idea... But as any 'real' writer could tell yo...
It is Christmas in the city, but it isn't the giving season. A retired Gulf War pilot, a careless...
The brilliant new 87th precinct novel from one of crime's enduring legends...Gl...